Do male and female pheromones work and are effective?

Do male and female pheromones work and are effective?

There is more and more talk about pheromones. The spectacular effects of their operation and a number of other advantages change over time. Is there any truth to this? Do pheromones really work and all those "oohs" and "ahs" are deserved? Let's take a closer look at the pheromones.
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Pheromones are volatile substances used to exchange information between individuals of the same species. Although they are odorless in themselves, they play an important role in scent communication. In other words - it's a fragrance that doesn't smell, but still works . They are naturally produced by animals, insects and even plants. Despite the common features within the species, the pheromones produced by individual individuals are unique. It is they, contained in urine, that animals use to mark territory. It is their scent that makes all the wandering cats around the area come to the right window without any problem, where they set up an acclimatization camp and prepare for the attack on the summit, they and the chosen cat's heart will enjoy their time with love serenades.
Although there are many groups of pheromones, depending on their function, only those that are erotic lures are important to us - two of them in particular: androstadienone (works as strongly on women as the sale in Zara) and estrateraenol (promotion at brewery with the game FIFA 2020 as a gift).


In operation, they resemble subliminal advertising. Just as the images from it affect our brain directly, completely without being aware of their perception - so also women's pheromones and male pheromones have an impact directly on our command center, although for us their smell is unnoticeable. This influence most often causes changes in behavior patterns, which we are obviously not aware of. Example? The one most often cited is the one from 2009, when scientists from the University of Liverpool decided to check the effectiveness of androstadienone during the so-called speed dating. The study showed that women who were (unknowingly, of course) under the influence of androstadienone scored men significantly higher than the rest. In this way, we also answered the question of whether it was a fake or pheromones really working.


The best answer to this question is the analysis of the Liverpool test result. He clearly confirmed that the use of pheromones can slightly tweak how we are perceived by the opposite sex nipple clamps. For many men, such a bonus to sex butt plug is a matter of beating or not (referring to the joke in which life is compared to a game of chess). Even if you are skeptical about them, there is nothing to prevent you from repeating the Liverpool test yourself. Blessed are those who have not seen and believed. Satisfied who did not believe - and put ...


Above all, in moderation. If you overdo it, the effect may be quite counterproductive. If you have decided to use odorless pheromones, it is best to apply them just before putting on your clothes, directly on the skin in those places that abound in our own pheromones , i.e. wrists, neck, ear area or bends under the knees. They can then be used independently of your favorite perfumes.  Increasingly, however, companies that produce pheromones, also offer their own fragrance lines, additionally curled with these substances. The principle is the same: we do not stick half a bottle into the face or the tits. Treat it like tabasco: if used in moderation, it will spice up the taste of the dishes, in excess - it will make your mouth turn.  The most important thing, however, is that there is a lot to choose fromsensual pheromones . 


Although the shelves in the bazaars are bending under the weight of perfumes whose names sound strange - it is better to buy them in proven places. The process of their production is very complicated and therefore expensive. It cannot be done with a little chemist's kit and Uncle Zbyszek's moonshine apparatus. The process of obtaining 1 g of pure, high-quality substance takes up to a week. So do not expect that perfumes curled with the addition of pheromones will cost little more than "cancer-free" L&M. Simply put: the higher the price, the greater the concentration of pheromones in the perfume. For pure, odorless pheromones, a higher price simply means a larger bottle. Where to buy pheromones then? For example, on  - carefully selected suppliers guarantee only proven products.
Finally, it is worth remembering a few facts. While the pheromones do work, don't attribute magical properties to them, it's not the Panoramiks drink. If you like to wear a bar-smelling Turkish rhombus sweater (not to be confused with robotic vacuum cleaners), you laugh like Denver and hit the boxer record with one puff - and the pear falls off, then there is nothing to be charmed about. Even if you bathe in pheromones and rinse the japan with them before the meeting, it is not allowed to work! Some people think that the best aphrodisiac for a woman is the Pavulon, but ... pity! Remember that pheromones will not do anything for you: they will not smile or talk to you, they will not replace your eloquence or sense of humor. However, if you approach the topic with sensitivity, they can be your secret weapon and really make a lot easier for you.
